Spring update


Here are some useful words, expressions and idioms concerning Spring,Summer,Autumn, and snow. Hope you enjoy it!

春天 (chūn tiān)

春天来了,乡村一片青葱碧绿。chūn tiān lái le xiāng cūn yī piān qīng cōng bì lǜ
Spring is here,the country is very green in spring.

我喜欢春天.wǒ xǐ huān chūn tiān
I like Spring.

春风(chūn fēng ):spring breeze
春游(chūn yóu ):spring outing
春运(chūn yùn ):Spring Festival travel
春晚(chūn wǎn ):Spring Festival Gala
春联(chūn lián ):Spring Festival couplet

Chinese Chengyu about Chun。
春暖花香(chūn nuǎn huā xiāng ):spring has come and all flowers are in bloom
妙手回春(miào shǒu huí chūn ):( of a doctor ) the magic hand that restores health (adj.)

Summer 2


夏天(xià tiān)

夏天好热!xià tiān hǎo rè
How hot is it in Summer!

我喜欢夏天。wǒ xǐ huān xià tiān
I like Summer.

夏令营(xià lìng yíng):summer camp
夏装(xià zhuāng ):summer wear

Chinese Chengyu about Xia:
夏虫语冰(xià chóng yǔ bīng ):speak of ice to insects that live only one summer,which means one who talks of what he knows nothing about.
夏日炎炎(xià rì yán yán ):summer is very hot



秋天 (qiū tiān)

秋天是农民伯伯收获的季节呀!qiū tiān shì nóng mín bó bó shōu huò de jì jié yā !
Autumn is a rich harvest season for famer uncles!

我喜欢秋天。wǒ xǐ huān qiū tiān 。
I like Autumn。

秋风(qiū fēng ):autumn wind
秋色(qiū sè ):autume scenery
秋收(qiū shōu ):reap the fall harvest
Chinese Chengyu about Qiu :
秋高气爽(qiū gāo qì shuǎng):the clear and crisp days of autumn
暗送秋波( àn sòng qiū bō):cast flirtatious looks at somebody

Winter 2


冬天(冬天(dōng tiān  )

下雪了!xià xuě le
It is snowing!

这场雪真大.zhè chǎng xuě hěn dà
It snows heavily.

我喜欢下雪. wǒ xǐ huān xià xuě
I like snow.

雪花(xuě huā ): snowflake
雪人(xuě rén ): snowman
大雪( dà xuě ): heavy snow
雪崩(xuě bēng ):avalanche
雪球( xuě qiú ): snowball
暴风雪(bào fēng xuě ): blizzard
Chinese Chengyu about snow:
雪上加霜 (xuě shàng jiā shuāng) to add frost to snow, which means one misfortunate after another.
雪中送炭 (xuě zhōng sòng tàn ) to send charcoal in snowy weather which means to give timely assistance or help.



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