Today we’re going to learn more transportation-related words and phrases which include:

乘火车 chéng huǒ chē
by train

乘飞机 chéng fēi jī
by airplane

骑自行车 qí zì xíng chē
by bicycle

乘公交车 chéng gōng jiāo chē
by bus

乘摩托车 chéng mó tuō chē
by motorcycle

骑马 qí mǎ
by horse

打车/乘出租车 dǎ chē / chéng chū zū chē
by taxi

Do you know Chinese train types?Chinese trains are divided considering their speed. If you’re going to travel in China,maybe below words will help you.

  • High-speed train 高铁(It is short for “高速铁路”) gāo sù tiě lù , with service numbers beginning with “G”.
  • Hexiehao (和谐号, Harmony) or bullet trains 动车 dòng chē ,with service numbers beginning with “D”.
  • Direct Express 直特(It is short for“直达特快列车”)zhí tè ,with service numbers beginning with “Z”.
  • Express 特快(It is short for“特快列车”)tè kuài ,with service numbers beginning with “T”.
  • Fast 快速(It is short for“快速列车”)kuài sù ,with service numbers beginning with “K”.

There are Four standard classes of seats available,

软卧 ruǎn wò
soft sleeper

硬卧 yìng wò
hard sleeper

软座 ruǎn zuò
soft seat

硬座 yìng zuò
hard seat